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Victoria Quay Interpretation Plan, Fremantle

Victoria Quay, Fremantle was the Western Australia's premier port for industry, agriculture and passengers. It played a crucial role in the development of the State, and was the point of entry and departure for migrants, military personnel and refugees since the 1820s.


Interpretation plan


Fremantle Port Authority


As part of a large proposed development, LookEar in association with Lovell Chen, was engaged to develop an interpretation plan for this historically significant site.

The project included a comprehensive community and stakeholder consultation process involving small group discussions, larger community forums and on-going liaison. This included property developers, special interest groups, WA Maritime Museum, local history organisations and the local indigenous community, each of whom were consulted for their ideas, concerns and relevant information for the interpretive stories.

The resultant interpretation plan included:

  • a comprehensive thematic structure and interpretive zones

  • detailed storylines

  • recommended interpretive forms included paving treatment, woven fencing, discrete soundscapes and AVs, special events, guided tours and workshop activities.


The project was developed in association with Mauhaus and Sound Environment.

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